Curious about the languages spoken in Australia? Mandarin is Number 2!

Census reveals Mandarin is the second most spoken language in Australia.
In the latest Census data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday, Mandarin continues to be the most commonly spoken language other than English at home, with 685,274 speaking the language (2.7 per cent), up by almost 90,000 from the last Census in 2016.
Why it is important to adapt to today's changing cultural landscape given.
Australia is home to one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse populations globally, with over 300 languages spoken in Australia. We truly are a nation of nations. Australia migration sees the majority of settlement for newly arrived migrants, refugees and asylum seekers occurs within the country's two most populous states being New South Wales and Victoria. Multiculturalism is alive and kicking in Australia.
Why it is important to give your migrant customers content they can consume in language.
With over 75% of the 4 billion daily users of the internet being non-English speakers, it makes sense to talk to them in their native language to ensure you're capturing as much of the addressable market as possible.
We are living in a connected community so organisations need to deliver greater value to this significant segment of the consumer market.
What We Know
Digital Preference: Digital interactions are the preferred channel of choice.
Native Experiences: 84% of international consumers say they’re more likely to buy from a website with product information in their own language.
Native Search Engines: 50% of Google searches are performed in languages other than English.
Online & Connected: There’s over 20,000,000 smart phones connected in Australia. Over 90% of the Australian population is online.
AI Localisation: New technologies allows content to be delivered in over 100+languages which reaches 95% of the world's GDP.
So given there are over 300 languages spoken in Australia, isn't it time to embrace linguistic diversity?
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